Tatta Tatt Tatt - Part 1
Friday, January 21, 2011
, Posted by Artistik Domestician at 1/21/2011
Adorning Fans...
Body Adornment. Some are for it. Some are against it. Some like it from a distance. Some need it to be a part of who they are. I find body adornment to be real nice whether on men or Women (my man’s tattoos are sheexxy!). It’s personal preference and I find it to be real artistic and beautiful when done by a good artist (that is key). If someone chooses to pierce or tattoo their bodies, I believe it’s their personal right to do what they want with their own bodies. We as people tend to judge based upon someone’s outer appearance rather than getting to actually know the person. I’ve met people from all walks of life who are into different styles of body adorning and actually body adornment goes back farther then most of us know and understand. It is ancient cultural tradition in many parts of the world and done for many different reasons. However, in the western world it was once looked at as only being done by jail birds, sailors, army men, navy men and “rebels”; it was also taken in as being a fad when the a larger populous of people started to do it. I believe anything that stems off of historical culture cannot be perceived as being a fad because of its true origin and tattooing is a true art form that not anyone can do and can do well. However, I’m not saying people don’t do it just cause it’s a part of pop culture, because there are many, many people who do it just as a “cool thing” and I’m sure regret it later. Put thought into why you are doing it and why you are getting what you are getting. I highly respect tattoo artists who give their opinions to clients and if they feel the person will regret it later or the design won’t look good, they tell them and maybe suggest some ideas. After all, it’s their artwork that will be showcased.
Now women and body adornment is a whole other topic. Depending where you come from, will depend on how you view this. When it comes to tattoos I’ve seen some of the most beautifully designed tattoos and ideas on women’s bodies. You put together the beautiful sculpture of a women’s natural body lines, artistic detail, design and a skillful tattoo artist, you will see remarkable works of art. I also admire women who put thought, emotion and creativity into their design choices. I’ve talked to a few women in my area on why they got the tattoos they did and everyone’s choice was different, as I think it should be.
Here are a few pieces of female body tattoos that I love, enjoy the artistic beauty and then check out Part 2 of this post that incorporates other women's thoughts on their own tattoos.

WOW that second tat of the tree is AMAZING !!! good choice to post and awesome article! ***ANIA***
Sometimes people place tattoos on their body as a form of protection, good luck or blessings... If you ask a person about their tat, they definatley have a story about it. Looking 4ward to reading partII!
There were some great tats! I have several tats, too. I find that some people really like them and others don't say a word because they do not 'approve'. I wear my artistic tats for myself; not for others, which is exactly how it should be. Thank you sharing.